On life, the universe and everything...
The answer is not 42.
I suspected for many years that every life is a never-ending cycle. I don't know exactly when it started, maybe it was while reading some religiuos texts on buddhism or hinduism. Actually, it may have been even earlier, as I remember as a child wondering on the meaning of a tao medallion somebody showed me.
Through the study of the history of mankind and the observation of nature, I became even more convinced of this hypothesis.
My life also seems to be keep running in circles. Periods of peace and happiness slowly degrade into darkness from which I gradually recover achieving again a more peaceful state. It also seems that to return to a peaceful state one must overcome the hurdle that plunged him into darkness. I guess those moments mark the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, in which we are a bit (at least temporarily) wiser than before.
I received ulterior confirmation during an Ayahuasca ceremony. During the visions I experienced a multitude of cycles, where each cycle started by experiencing a problem in my life, progressed through a painful fall into the darkest meanders of my conscience, and resulted in a peaceful liberation, but only after a very hard fight with myself to overcome the problem that originated the descent. .
This state of motion and repetition exists at every level albeit it's less visible on a huge macroscopic level (think galaxies) and on a tiny microscopic one (think atoms). It makes me wonder, if it applies to anything, does it mean that also our universe is one in a multitude and as it was born one day it will die giving birth to something else ? I found fascinating pondering over this question, although I admit it's an exercise in futility as I will never find an answer purely using logic.
I can't find peace wondering what the point of all of this is. Is there even a reason for the existence of life and the universe ?. I'm not religious so I don't have a blind faith to comfort me. I doubt the existence of god, although I accept the possibility of its existance.
I'm grateful for life, although I do ask myself if there's a meaning in it. I think life has no intrinsic meaning.
The attachment to life is really the attachment to family, friends, and everything else we care of.
What does remains once we take those links away ? An empty shell.
TODO More will follow...